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Chaptered Legislation

Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio has authored 18 measures which have been signed into law. These measures encompass a wide variety of important issues including: supporting victims of domestic violence, creating opportunities for children within the foster care system, ensuring our youngest students are given proper support to succeed in school, supporting our immigrant communities and keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals. See below for a full list of successful legislation authored by Assemblywoman Rubio

Resource Family Plan for Foster Youth (AB 507)

Elevates the importance of training while supporting resource families in a dynamic way. The goal is to empower resource families in the foster care system by redirecting current training requirements to most effectively benefit foster youth outcomes.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 705, Statutes of 2017

CalWORKs: Housing for Survivors of Abuse (AB 557)

Amends the Welfare and Institutions Code to increase support and options for domestic violence survivors who are trying to escape a violent environment by providing temporary housing assistance to applicants of CalWORKs.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 691, Statutes of 2017

Unlawful Interference at Public Agencies (AB 660)

Protects persons visiting any public agency from being exploited or harassed by illegitimate solicitors. This new crime will make it unlawful for any person to intentionally make a material misrepresentation of the law while on the premises of a public agency.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 381, Statutes of 2017

Prohibiting Preschool Expulsions (AB 752)

Adds a provision to the Education Code to create a process for addressing serious and challenging behavior exhibited by children enrolled in a California State Preschool Program.  The goal is to establish a process modeled after the US Department of Health and Human Services’ guidelines to prevent children from being unnecessarily expelled or unenrolled.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 708, Statutes of 2017

Bail: Supervised Pretrial Release Programs (AB 789)

Amends current Penal Code to allow judges the option to grant Own Recognizance (OR) release to felony arrestees with three or more Failure to Appears (FTA) without a hearing in open court if they are released into a court-approved pretrial release program. In exchange for doing so we would create a more efficient method for processing cases, increase the level of supervision for each case, and reduce the amount of jail overcrowding.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 554, Statutes of 2017

Spousal Support For Survivors of Domestic Violence (AB 929)

Amends Family Code Section 4320 to indicate that a presumption against awarding spousal support to an abuser should arise in numerous situations outside of just a conviction of Domestic Violence. These situations include when an abuser is found to have committed domestic violence in a Domestic Violence Restraining Order proceeding, when an abuser is found to have committed domestic violence in a divorce, annulment, or legal separation proceeding and when an abuser is found to have committed domestic violence in a juvenile court dependency proceeding, pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 300.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 938, Statutes of 2018

Inoperable Parking Meter Violations (AB 1625)

Protects consumers from receiving unjust parking violations at broken parking meters or kiosks in cities and counties. The bill prevents local authorities from enacting ordinances prohibiting or restricting the parking of vehicles in parking spaces regulated by inoperable parking meters/kiosks we place a focus on transparency for the tax payer and encourage government efficiency.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 352, Statutes of 2017

Limiting Frivolous Lawsuits in the Construction Industry (AB 1654)

Waives the California Private Attorneys General Act (Labor Code Sections 2698-2699.5), known as PAGA, within the Construction Industry for those employees and employers that are covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement. These agreements will protect construction workers and contractors alike by providing agreed to dispute resolution proceedings and avoiding costly lawsuits.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 529, Statutes of 2018

Externships for Cosmetology Students (AB 2134)

Authorizes students enrolled in public schools that provide approved State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology courses the ability to work as unpaid externs for cosmetology establishments participating in the school’s educational program. These externships will benefit students by providing training and mentorship by industry professionals and experts in the field for which they are training. The externship will make these students more desirable job candidates and thus increase their employability.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 387, Statutes of 2018

Temporary Emergency Gun Violence Restraining Orders (AB 2526)

Bolsters public safety by ensuring time-sensitive restraining orders are issued efficiently and effectively when there is immediate and present danger to the public, as well as families and their loved ones. The bill clarifies procedures for law enforcement and the courts to follow when issuing emergency temporary gun violence restraining orders.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 873, Statutes of 2018

Temporary Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (AB 2694)

In light of the heightened danger abuse victims face when attempting to separate from abusive partners, this bill would no longer allow counties to require domestic violence victims applying for a Temporary Restraining Order to notify the alleged perpetrator in advance. The bill also permits the court to allow an alternative method of service if at the time of the TRO hearing the court determines that, after diligent effort, a petitioner has been unable to accomplish personal service.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 219, Statutes of 2018

Mental Health Consultations for Preschool Students (AB 2698)

Enables children in the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), infants and toddlers in general child care and development programs, and children 0 to 5 years of age served in family child care home networks to benefit from early childhood mental health consultation. The bill will authorize providers to utilize subsidized child care funds to provide these valuable services which can improve outcomes for children and help prevent expulsions.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 946, Statutes of 2018

Lactation Accommodations for College Age Students (AB 2785)

Requires that California Community Colleges (CCC) and the California State University (CSU), and recommends the University of California (UC), provide reasonable lactation accommodations to their students, including access to a private and secure room on campus and adequate time to nurse an infant or express milk.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 947, Statutes of 2018

Commercial Property Tenancy (AB 2847)

Separates commercial and residential sections in the Civil Code where it does not make sense to have them together. These provisions will simplify and streamline tenancy transactions in the commercial real estate market.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 104, Statutes of 2018

Online Training for Nurse Assistants (AB 2850)

Permits skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, or educational institutions to conduct the 60 classroom hours of training for certified nurse assistants (CNAs) required under existing law to be offered in an online or distance learning course format. The bill would also permit a person who provides instruction or training, as part of a CNA precertification training program, to be any licensed or registered nurse employed at a facility that primarily provides care for older adults.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 769, Statutes of 2018

Restrictions on Cannabis Advertisements (AB 2899)

Prohibits a licensee from publishing or disseminating advertising or marketing while the licensee’s license is suspended. This bill will help businesses who have properly gone through the licensing process by cracking down on entities with suspended licenses who attempt to advertise their product. By prohibiting a licensee from publishing or disseminating advertising or marketing while the licensee's license is suspended, California can further combat the cannabis black market to ensure that only properly licensed businesses are participating in the market.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 923, Statutes of 2018

Firearm Prohibition for Domestic Violence Abusers (AB 3129)

Amends Penal Code 29805 to impose a lifetime firearm restriction for anyone convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense. Studies show that past violent criminal behavior is a predictor of subsequent acts of violence. In fact, research has found that Californians with a prior conviction for a violent misdemeanor are 9 times as likely to commit subsequent violent crimes and also 9 times as likely to commit subsequent firearm offences. AB 3129 will better protect victims of domestic violence by imposing a lifetime firearm prohibition on offenders under California law, thereby enabling better enforcement of the federal ban. Additionally, a state lifetime prohibition would protect California from any weakening of the federal firearm prohibition.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 883, Statutes of 2018

Outdoor Advertising Displays (AB 3168)

Updates provisions of the landscaped freeway portion of the Outdoor Advertising Act.  This bill will add objective criteria to the determination of what is a “landscaped freeway” and will allow for the relocation of existing landscaped signs in communities that want them, without adding to the presently existing number of displays along landscaped freeways.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 926, Statutes of 2018

Newspapers: state agency advertising: worker status: independent contractors (AB 323)

Exempts, until January 1, 2022, newspaper carriers and newspaper distributors, as defined, from the 3-part ABC test for employment status. Requires that the Department of General Services (DGS) report annually information on the state's contracting practices with media platforms for placement of marketing or outreach advertising material.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 341, Statutes of 2020

Land use: livability issues for older adults (AB 1118)

Requires the Secretary of California Health and Human Services to consider applying to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities on behalf of the State of California in developing the Master Plan for Aging.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 820, Statutes of 2019

Child custody: allegations of abuse: report (AB 1179)

Requires that a child custody evaluation, investigation, or assessment ordered by the court where the court determines that there is a serious allegation of child sexual abuse, must, beginning January 1, 2021, be completed on a form developed by Judicial Council.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 127, Statutes of 2019

Student support services: Dreamer Resource Liaisons (AB 1645)

Requires the California Community Colleges (CCC) and the California State University (CSU), and requests the University of California (UC), to designate a Dreamer Resource Liaison who is knowledgeable in financial aid and other support services to assist students who qualify for the exemption from paying nonresident tuition established by AB 540 (Firebaugh, Chapter 814, Statutes of 2001). It also encourages the establishment of Dream Resource Centers on each campus, as specified.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 788, Statutes of 2019

School Breakfast Week (ACR 40)

Proclaims March 4, 2019, to March 8, 2019, inclusive, as School Breakfast Week.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 28, Statutes of 2019

California Celebrating Women in Public Office Day (ACR 45)

Proclaims every March 19 as California Celebrating Women in Public Office Day.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 35, Statutes of 2019

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Denim Day in California (ACR 67)

Designates the month of April 2019 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and recognizes April 24, 2019, as Denim Day in California.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 57, Statutes of 2019

AB 1929 - Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

Allows a county welfare agency to develop a program for internet-based reporting of child abuse and neglect, requires the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to oversee and administer the program through the issuance of written directives, and requires a county to decommission its system when CDSS notifies counties that internet-based reporting of child abuse and neglect is available and functional within the statewide comprehensive child welfare information system, among other requirements.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 242, Statutes of 2020.

AB 1969 - Secondhand goods: tangible personal property: reporting requirements.

Eliminates the requirement that the name and address of a seller or pledger of secondhand goods be reported to law enforcement when the seller or pledger verifies their identity with a Matricula Consular, and requires the state's database of secondhand property transactions to direct law enforcement to the dealer to obtain the seller or pledger's identity.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 185, Statutes of 2020.

AB 2741 - Children’s advocacy centers.

This bill authorizes counties to create Child Advocacy Centers (CAC) to implement a coordinated multidisciplinary approach to investigative reports of child abuse.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 353, Statutes of 2020.

ACR 40 - School Breakfast Week.

This resolution proclaims March 4, 2019, to March 8, 2019, inclusive, as School Breakfast Week.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 28, Statutes of 2019.

ACR 45 - California Celebrating Women in Public Office Day.

This resolution proclaims every March 19 as California Celebrating Women in Public Office Day.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 35, Statutes of 2019.

ACR 67 - Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Denim Day in California.

This resolution designates the month of April 2019 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and recognizes April 24, 2019, as Denim Day in California.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 57, Statutes of 2019.

ACR 164 - Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.

This resolution designates February 2020 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, and encourages all Californians to observe Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month with programs and activities that promote healthy teen relationships and raise awareness about teen dating violence in their communities.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 22, Statutes of 2020.

ACR 178 - School Breakfast Week.

This resolution proclaims March 2, 2020, to March 6, 2020, inclusive, as School Breakfast Week.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 29, Statutes of 2020.

2021 Foster youth: placement of siblings (AB 366)

Strengthens the statutory protections that keep siblings together by specifying that an approved resource family shall be presumed to have the size and space to place siblings together unless there is a safety risk.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 581, Statutes of 2021.

Child abuse multidisciplinary personnel team: children’s advocacy centers (AB 477)

Provides that if a county utilizes a child advocacy center to implement their local multidisciplinary response to investigate reports of child abuse or neglect, the child advocacy center must be included in the county child abuse multidisciplinary personnel team (MDT) and makes technical changes.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 93, Statutes of 2021.

Board of Registered Nursing: workforce planning: nursing programs: clinical placements (AB 1015)

Requires the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) to incorporate regional forecasts into its biennial analyses of the nursing workforce, develop a plan to address regional areas of shortage identified by its nursing workforce forecast, as specified, and annually collect, analyze, and report information related to the number of clinical placement slots that are available and the location of those clinical placement slots within the state.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 591, Statutes of 2021.

Protective orders: elder and dependent adults (AB 1243)

Effective January 1, 2023, allows, after notice and a hearing, an interested party to seek a protective order for isolation of an elder or dependent adult under the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA) and for the court to make a finding that specific debt was incurred as the result of financial abuse of the elder or dependent adult.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 273, Statutes of 2021.

Criminal procedure: protective orders (AB 1281)

This bill clarifies the vagueness in existing laws by explicitly allowing a court to dismiss an eligible case in appropriate situations and also keep the validly issued and unexpired 10-year criminal protective order in place until its natural expiration date. If, however, the court decides to terminate the protective order early or shorten the length of the order, this bill allows the court to exercise that discretion as well
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 209, Statutes of 2021.

School Breakfast Week (ACR 38)

This resolution proclaims March 8, 2021, to March 12, 2021, inclusive, as School Breakfast Week and recognizes the importance of school nutrition programs and school nutrition staff in addressing the needs of the state’s pupils.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Res. Chapter 18, Statutes of 2021.

Safe transportation of dogs and cats (AB 1781)

This bill establishes safe transportation standards for dogs and cats in the care of public or private shelters or animal control agencies.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 80, Statutes of 2022.

San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Act (AB 2163)

This bill extends the sunset from July 1, 2030, to July 1, 2050 for the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority (Authority).
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 234, Statutes of 2022.

Mandated reporters: statute of limitations (AB 2274)

This bill extends the statute of limitations to ensure mandated reporters report known or suspected child abuse and neglect seriously, specifically in cases of severe neglect. Mandated reporters are aware of their obligations, but because there is little to no enforcement many organizations develop a sense that there are no consequences or there exists a culture wherein the mandated reporting rules can be bent and altered by the specific organization
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 587, Statutes of 2022.

Credit services organizations (AB 2424)

This bill updates and modernize the Credit Services Act of 1984 by expanding consumer protections when contracting with a credit service organization and significantly enhancing the transparency and disclosure of the services being purchased, the intended results and the cost.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 965, Statutes of 2022.

Open meetings: local agencies: teleconferences (AB 2449)

Allows, until January 1, 2026, members of a legislative body of a local agency to use teleconferencing without identifying each teleconference location in the notice and agenda of the meeting, and without making each teleconference location accessible to the public, under specified conditions.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 285, Statutes of 2022.

Childcare and developmental services: preschool: expulsion and suspension: mental health services: reimbursement rates (AB 2806)

Revises and recasts provisions related to expulsion and suspension of a child from the state preschool program and broadens the provisions to include general childcare and development programs and family childcare home education network programs.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 915, Statutes of 2022.

AB 279 - San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority: annual pumping right assessment.

This bill raises the maximum amount the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority (Authority) can impose for an annual pumping assessment from $10 to $20.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 799, Statutes of 2023

AB 334 - Public contracts: conflicts of interest.

Clarifies the circumstances under which a public entity that employed an independent contractor for one phase of a project may contract with that same contractor for a subsequent phase of the same project without violating a state law prohibiting conflicts of interests in public contracts.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 263, Statutes of 2023.

AB 400 - Local agency design-build projects: authorization.

Extends the sunset date, from January 1, 2025, to January 1, 2031, on provisions of law authorizing local agencies to use the design-build contracting method, and expands the types of JPAs that may use design-build.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 201, Statutes of 2023

AB 479 - Alternative domestic violence program.

This bill extends the sunset date of an existing six-county pilot program that provides an alternative program for individuals convicted of domestic violence.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 86, Statutes of 2023.

AB 752 - State highways: worker safety.

Requires the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to use positive protection, as defined, in order to ensure worker safety and authorizes the Division of Occupational Safety and Health in consultation with Caltrans to adopt rules and regulations to administer and enforce these provisions.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 813, Statutes of 2023

AB 993 - Cannabis Task Force.

Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 822, Statutes of 2023.
This bill adds a representative from the Civil Rights Department (CRD) and the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to the existing Task Force on State and Local Regulation of Commercial Cannabis Activity (Task Force).

AB 1088 - Licensed craft distillers: direct shipping.

This bill extends a current exemption that allows a licensed craft distiller to directly ship distilled spirits manufactured by the licensee to a consumer from January 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 829, Statutes of 2023.

AB 1171 - Cannabis: private right of action.

Authorizes a person licensed under the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) to bring an action in superior court against a person engaging in commercial cannabis activity without a license, as specified.
Chaptered by Secretary of State
Chapter 467, Statutes of 2023.

AB 2213- Redevelopment: Oversight Boards

"An act to amend Section 34179 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to local government. This bill would allow the County’s five oversight boards to update its borders to align with the borders of the board of supervisors’ districts, “as those district boundaries are determined and adjusted by the Citizens Redistricting Commission…” Approved by Governor July 02, 2024.
Filed with Secretary of State July 02, 2024." Chapter 63

AB1935- Gaming: Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund

"AB1935 seeks to bolster our tribal government’s efforts to provide essential services in areas such as education, health, safety and general welfare, to their citizens by redirecting surplus monies paid by gaming tribes into the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund."

Approved by Governor July 15, 2024.
Filed with Secretary of State July 15, 2024." Chapter 93