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Immigrant Children without Parents Need our Help.

Throughout negotiations around the budget, it is imperative that California allocates funding to keep programs like CHIRP, that support children, especially some of the most vulnerable, unaccompanied immigrant children with no support system, guidance or protection. Preservation of programs such as this are forward thinking, compassionate and deeply needed. 

"What Matters Water TV and Podcast"

Episode 19

 Thank you to "What Matters Water TV and Podcast" for hosting me and facilitating a productive and informative conversation surrounding water issues, legislation and my relationship to it all. 

Once deported, the Rubios are the first sisters to serve in the California Legislature

It was open house at Heron Elementary School, and inside a bustling auditorium, fifth-graders created a living wax museum of “Famous Americans,” decked out as pop icons, sports stars and legends from their history books.

Along with a miniature Barack Obama who tried not to fidget as he stood behind a makeshift presidential lectern, there was an Abraham Lincoln in a top hat (and checkered Vans), a bushy Albert Einstein and at least two sharpshooting Annie Oakleys.

California Realtors sponsor targeted tax credit bill

The California Association of Realtors has announced its sponsorship of legislation intended to help first-time, low- and moderate-income home buyers in disadvantaged communities. AB 1590, authored by Assembly Member Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park), would create a targeted tax credit to help working families achieve their goal of homeownership. This legislation is especially timely, given the tight housing market.

California faces a nursing shortage. Let’s remove obstacles to prevent emergency.

Nurses form the bedrock of health care in our state, touching the lives of virtually every Californian. They serve on the front lines of patient care across a variety of settings – from hospitals and patients’ homes to war zones and schools – and they care for all patients regardless of background.

Despite our many talented nurses and the accredited in-state institutions that prepare them for a lifetime of health care employment, California is plunging into a nursing shortage. By 2030, the state is projected to suffer from a deficit of approximately 140,000 nurses, according to the American Journal of Medical Quality. This would be one of the nation’s largest shortfalls.

What healthy relationships look like

As a survivor of domestic violence, I know how it feels to be isolated, embarrassed and confused about what should be acceptable behavior from a partner.

That is why, as state senator for the 22nd District, I am prioritizing policies and events that will educate and protect victims, both men and women. No one should feel as if they need to do this alone. They should know where they can turn for help.

Increasing subsidized child care and pay for providers crucial for California, report says

California families with average or low incomes should pay no more than 7 percent of their income on care and education for children under the age of 6.

That’s a long-term goal set by the California Assembly Blue Ribbon Commission on Early Childhood Education, in its draft report for how to improve child care and preschool throughout the state, which was released this week.

Saving Lives in California

California’s opioid and heroin use disorder has become a major threat to public health, especially among the young.  Drug overdose, mostly from opioids, is the leading cause of death among those under 50, with nearly 2,000 Californians dying from opioid overdoses in 2016 alone.  However, California has a severe lack of certified providers to treat the condition.