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Rubio Legislation Providing Resources to California Dreamers Passes Committee Vote

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                       CONTACT:

April 3, 2018                                                                                  Taylor Woolfork (916) 319-2048

Rubio Legislation Providing Resources to California Dreamers Passes Committee Vote

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the Assembly Higher Education Committee approved Assembly Bill (AB) 2477, authored by Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park).  AB 2477 would require California public high schools for grades 9-12, California State Universities (CSUs) and California Community Colleges (CCCs) to have a designated Dreamer Resource Liaison staffer on campus to provide undocumented and AB 540 students with adequate support and resources needed to navigate the education system.

It is estimated that each year approximately 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high schools in the United States. Since the passage of AB 540, the CA Dream Act, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and other pieces of meaningful legislation – college affordability has become more attainable for undocumented students in the state.

However, in a recent study conducted by The Undocuscholars Project, many students expressed concerns and frustrations with the lack of knowledge their college faculty, staff, and administrators have about policies and services that support undocumented students.

“As a former undocumented youth myself, I know all too well the struggles that Dreamers are facing,” said Assemblywoman Rubio. “Given the current federal climate around DACA, constant pushback from the Trump Administration and recent remarks from the President on Easter Sunday, it is now more important than ever that we in California stand with and support Dreamers.”

“One of the main struggles as an undocumented student is having to go around campus explaining my situation, telling those at the desk that I am undocumented so that they can tell me the information I need when it comes to the financial aid process payments and administration applications,” said Rosa Rodriguez, a Public Health Policy major at Irvine Valley College. “It may not seem like a big deal but when you’re undocumented, telling the wrong person your status can cost you the life you built in this country.”

“Now more than ever, undocumented students are facing uncertainty and confusion about their future,” said Assemblymember Evan Low. “AB 2477 will ensure our campuses have knowledgeable staff that can help students focus on their academic and career goals. I applaud Assemblymember Rubio for leading the charge this year and I am proud to joint author this bill.”

The Dreamer Resource Liaison created under AB 2477 will save staff time and resources by streamlining all available financial aid and academic opportunities for AB 540 students. The bill is sponsored by Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights and enjoys support from various groups. The bill, which passed through the committee on a unanimous vote, will now head to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

The 48th Assembly District, is comprised of the cities of Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bradbury, City of Industry, Covina, Duarte, El Monte, Glendora, Irwindale, Monrovia, West Covina, and the San Gabriel Valley unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, including Bassett, Charter Oak, Citrus, East Arcadia, Ramona, Valinda and West La Puente.



Website of Assemblymember Blanca E. Rubio: