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Press Releases

Assemblywoman Rubio Hosts "Operation Gobble" Turkey Giveaway in West Covina

“We were tremendously grateful to have generous partners who helped provide hundreds of Thanksgiving turkeys to families in the San Gabriel Valley,”

WEST COVINA – Today, Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio (D- Baldwin Park) hosted her 3rd Annual Health Resource Fair and Operation Gobble Turkey Giveaway in partnership with the West Covina Unified School District. The event took place at 10:00 AM at Edgewood High School in the City of West Covina.

Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Assemblywoman Rubio’s California Dreamers Resource Bill

“It may not seem like a big deal but when you’re undocumented, telling the wrong person your status can cost you the life you built in this country.”

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill by Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) that would increase educational resources for undocumented students in high school and college.

California Legislature Approves Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio’s First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Bill

“Homeownership is one of the largest barriers to economic advancement,”

AZUSA, CA – Today, the California Legislature approved a bill by Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) which would establish a first-time homebuyer tax credit for low and moderate income individuals. The bill, AB 1590, will help these first-time homebuyers cover unanticipated costs associated with homeownership.

California Legislature Approves Assemblywoman Rubio’s California Dreamers Resource Bill

SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Legislature today approved a bill by Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) that would increase educational resources for undocumented students in high school and college.

AB 1645 would require California Community Colleges, California State Universities (CSUs) and recommend that UC’s have a designated Dreamer Resource Liaison staffer on campus to provide undocumented and AB 540 students with adequate support and resources needed to navigate the education system.

Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio Legislation to Increase Cal Grant Awards Clears Key Policy Committee

SACRAMENTO – Today, Assembly Bill 1307 authored by Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio (D- Baldwin Park) passed the Senate Education Committee with a unanimous vote. AB 1307 would reinstate the Cal Grant funding formula for students who attend private nonprofit colleges and universities. The formula will bring stability to the award, which has been subjected to cuts since the year 2000, and will see increases over time.

Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio Legislation to Protect Undocumented Survivors of Domestic Violence Passes Committee

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, AB 1073 the Undocumented Survivor Safety Act, authored by Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park), passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee on a 8 to 0 vote. AB 1073 authorizes the Attorney General to enter into an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to designate Domestic Violence Shelters as sensitive locations in the State of California.