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Press Releases

El Departamento de Salud del Estado se Rehúsa a Rectificar un Error que Perjudica a los Recién Nacidos Durante la Audiencia Pública del Sub Comité del Presupuesto

(Sacramento) - Assemblywoman Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) and other Members of the Budget Sub Committee on Health and Human Services are asking the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to fix an error they created while improperly procuring a contract bid.  The Department has refused to provide a timely fix.  

“It is egregious to me that we as a state have allowed innocent newborns to be lost to follow-up.  These children depend on us for vital hearing services and the Department of Health Care Services cannot continue to fail them,” said Assemblywoman Rubio.  

Rubio Takes Oath as Newest Assemblymember for 48th District

Top priorities include educational attainment and improved opportunities for all residents

(SACRAMENTO) -  Blanca E. Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) was sworn in as the Assemblymember for the 48th Assembly District today. 

“It is an honor and a privilege to serve the residents of the 48th Assembly District. I look forward to working in the Assembly to give working families the resources they need to succeed”, said Assemblymember Rubio.  

Rubio, the daughter of a factory worker and housekeeper, has dedicated her life to public service with 16 years of experience as an educator. She is a former a classroom teacher and local school board member.

The 48th Assembly District, is comprised of the cities of Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bradbury, City of Industry, Covina, Duarte, El Monte, Glendora, Irwindale, Monrovia, West Covina, and the San Gabriel Valley unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, including Bassett, Charter Oak, Citrus, East Arcadia, Ramona, Valinda and West La Puente.